Humans seem to have a very split association with our place in Nature, and we mostly don’t associate as belonging to it. Nature in relation to humanity has been repeatedly defined as something opposed to culture, history, convention, and anything that is artificially worked or produced by us.
Nature: Part 2 – Human Behaviour and it’s Secrets
The term “Human Nature” is an emphasis on how we separate ourselves from the natural species. Human nature also equates to human behaviour.
Nature: Part 1 – The wonders of the Natural World
Welcome to the Nature portal of Well-rounded. Where the beauty and bounds of Nature are explored in the physical world, and that of our species as well as our role and known behaviour generally and our relationship with “Nature”.
Well-Rounded: A powerful uplifting blog exploring Life, Science and Nature
Well-Rounded. An Impartial as possible blog about Life, Science, and Nature. Welcome!