
Urgent: Checklist for Recognizing Abuse in your Life

You can also download a docx. or pdf. version of the checklist here. Checklist Instructions: Use this checklist to assess your relationships—whether intimate, friendship, family, or workplace—to recognize signs of abuse. Abuse can take many forms, including physical,...

Remove Toxic People from your Life: Defend Your Mind

Be cautious about the people you let into your life. Avoid those lacking ambition, direction, goals, who are negative and play the victim. Don’t let them influence your mindset. This relates to groupthink, where people compromise their values and individuality for the sake of conformity.

Nature 3: Silly Humans and Wonderful of Nature

Humans seem to have a very split association with our place in Nature, and we mostly don’t associate as belonging to it. Nature in relation to humanity has been repeatedly defined as something opposed to culture, history, convention, and anything that is artificially worked or produced by us.